Whine Seller: Guess when I started The Whine Seller.
Mr. Whine Seller: *thinking* Well… I know it feels new but it’s been over a year, right? When?
WS: September 30th, 2008.
Mr. WS: 2008?!?
WS: I know, right? But, at the same time, to me, it feels a lot longer than that.
This was a nifty blogging year for The Whine Seller. What happened during the terrible twos?
- I was made an eBay Social Media Seller
- I appeared on RRB and eBay Radio several times each
- I released my first of several Whine Seller related eBooks
- I totally messed up my hands beyond all reason and started doing most of my writing with a voice program (too many blog posts on this between my two blogs to bother linking to)
- I sold my originally self-published play The Love of Three Oranges and outlined that process in a four post series
- I started to figure out how to actually make some money from this site between selling advertising directly, increasing traffic by about 50% over last year and (hopefully) the eBooks which at the moment aren’t making me rich
- I went to eBay On Location and got to meet many of you fun people in person at last
- I started adding pictures to blog posts just to keep you on your toes!
- I continued to mix intelligent, well thought out posts that took me forever to write that you all ignored with ill-conceived psychotic rants that took five seconds to write that you all loved 😉 (I will probably never ever get why this is so…)
I’ve been working hard this past year to try to consistently have a post every Monday, Wednesday and Friday (unless something timely ticks me off and I have to write about it right that second or if I just get swamped with other stuff). I’ve been working on shorter posts and more interviews and guest bloggers so you don’t get sick of me and, based on the increase in readership, traffic and ad conversions, it seems like it’s working for y’all. As always, if there is something you want from me that would improve your reading experience, please just let me know!
This post feels very self-absorbed but I’m not sure how else to write it. Let’s turn it around a little by talking a little about you, the readers.
Thank you so very much for your continued support by reading, by commenting, by retweeting the links on Twitter and sharing them on Facebook. (And Google Plus even though you know I’m a total old man about Google Plus.) Thank you also for supporting (and sometimes being) our advertisers. The fact that this blog has become as popular as it has become (and how much recognition it gets from official eBay channels such as eBay Radio & eBay Ink Blog when I’m not exactly nice to them always floors me) is truly amazing to me because, for all my talk, I mainly feel like I have no idea what I’m doing.
So, I raise a glass of whine to you today, my friends, and wish you happy selling!
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