You know you’re a real selling veteran if you remember eBay Accounting Assistant. I was a big fan of the program until they killed it in June of 2010. eBay directed everyone to what was then a buggy mess of a free financial program, Outright, citing it as a replacement. Outright improved greatly over time and was eventually purchased by GoDaddy and became GoDaddy Online Bookkeeping, a paid service. Right now, the best alternative to Outright is the free SumAll which does many things, one of which is eBay accounting.
But the big problem with all of these options is that none of them do what eBay Accounting Assistant originally did: let you import your eBay financial data into a program like Quickbooks. I still use the Desktop version of Quickbooks and that means I end up inputting all my eBay sales manually. And, while I have a system so it doesn’t take that long, it sure would be a heck of a lot easier to just have them automatically imported. I get a lot of emails from readers who are still looking for something to replace good old eBay Accounting Assistant and I thought my readers could help them out.
What solutions do you have for importing your eBay sales and fees into your financial or accounting software?
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