While eBay has their high profile sellers like Buy.com, Etsy is about to get some serious star power of their own.

Craft maven and Emmy Award winning talk show host and frequent nightmare of Donald Trump, Rosie O’Donnell plans to start selling her crafts on Etsy to benefit her charity, Rosie’s Broadway Kids.

When a fan on her blog asked if she had plans to sell her artwork, she replied in her usual simplistic style:

i am going to sell them on ETSY.COM
with all money going to the RBK school

For Etsy and Etsy sellers, this is great news because Rosie brings her own fan base which will bring a higher profile to the entire site as an e-commerce platform and should also draw some media attention to a great site already on the rise.

Rosie’s audience definitely falls into the target demographic of potential Etsy buyers and sellers considering most of her book signings are in craft stores and her latest book, Rosie O’Donnell’s Crafty U: 100 Easy Projects the Whole Family Can Enjoy All Year Long, turned crafters out of many a bored stay-at-home parent. She as a loyal audience of moms and school teachers who have the potential to make Etsy even larger once they have discovered the site through her.

While Rosie has been quiet about the exact date of when sales will start (when asked, she only said, “soon”), a quick look at her blog confirms that her and her children have been stock piling crafts like these in preparation of selling them on Etsy.

If you want to welcome Rosie to the platform or thank her for selecting Etsy over the bigger and better known eBay, you can do so through her Ask Ro feature on her site.