One of the most popular series on this site is our series about publishing eBooks on Amazon’s Kindle platform. I’ve highlighted these posts below for easy review:
- Publishing your content on Amazon’s Kindle eBook Reader
A general How-To that outlines how to publish your content on the Kindle. - Publishing on Amazon’s Kindle: Author Gregory Bernard Banks shares his insights & experience
Very informative interview with an author that has had many successes with publishing his content (both short stories and novel length) on the Kindle and how he went about that process. - Publishing on the Amazon Kindle: easier and faster than I could have ever imagined
My own personal review of the process and what I see as the pitfalls to watch out for. - Choosing traditional publishing after self-publishing success
A sub-series of posts all it’s own, this four post series reviewed the positives and negatives of self-publishing and distributing your own content versus going with a traditional publishing deal.
One of the biggest requests I’ve had since I run this series is for a follow up that covers the specifics of how to format your content to make it look the best it can on the Kindle. I didn’t feel qualified to cover this topic myself as this is something I still struggle with so I’m bringing in a professional.
Tune in tomorrow for a guest post from Elmore Hammes, an author and publishing service provider (not to mention really nice guy and friend of mine) who’s formatted hundreds of eBooks for the Kindle since the platform launched both for his own content and for paying clients. He’s going to give us some tips on formatting your Kindle content.
What other aspect of Kindle publishing would you like me to cover in the future? Let me know and I’d be happy to oblige!

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