I wanted to tell you about…
Here’s a tip for…
Ever noticed how…
Man… I’m sorry guys. You ever have one of those days when the cursor just blinks at you and you’ve just got… nothing. I guess we should call it Blogger’s block.
It happens to all of us. We have something we should be writing but when we actually sit down to do it… nothing comes out. But we have to post something… we have readers to think of, platforms and brands to build, SEO metrics to buff up. Well, here’s some simple cures:
- Tap into your passions. What makes you really excited? Really angry? Delve into those topics and watch how fast the words start to flow.
- Find inspiration in the news or blogs of others. Rummaging through your feed reader or Twitter stream is a great way to find topics. Maybe you’ll agree so vehemently with that blog post you just have to share your take on the same topic. Maybe there will be a news story that will enrage you into a writing frenzy. Either way, engaging with some external stimuli is a great way to give yourself a blogging topic.
- Journal your way to a topic. Ever just open a blank document and just start typing just to see what comes out? It’s a great way to find a topic you didn’t even realize you felt like writing about. Just keep your fingers moving across the keyboard and sometimes the jumbled stream of consciousness you churn out edits nicely into a blog post or even several.
- Force yourself to write anyway. OK, so you aren’t in the mood to post something on your blog. Big fat hairy deal. Suck it up, ya big baby! Your readers are expecting something so get those fingers a’typing. Because once you start writing, even if you aren’t in the mood, you’ll find yourself warming up to it anyway and before you know it… you’ve churned out a perfectly serviceable blog post on blogger’s block.
Er… You know… just… for example…
What are your strategies for getting yourself to blog when you feel like you’re out of ideas?

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