I talk about independent and self-publishing a lot on this blog because I’ve had a lot of success with it and I always get comments saying that they want to try publishing… someday. Well, if you’re one of those people, now may be that someday.
Here’s why:
I’m running a very easy to enter contest over at HillaryDePiano.com to help raise awareness of Camp NaNoWriMo (which is National Novel Writing Month, the non-profit literacy event, but in the summer for people too busy in November) and the prize is 5 free copies of your book from Amazon owned CreateSpace (which is one of my top recommended print-on-demand options). It’s the perfect way to test the waters on this whole self-publishing thing I’m always talking about… without having to pay a dime out of pocket. All you have to do to enter is sign up for Camp NaNoWriMo (which is free) and follow the simple directions here.
Even if you aren’t a novelist, we’ve talked before about how the NaNoWriMo challenge can be very useful to you as a blogger. (See: Making NaNoWriMo a blogging challenge: 30 days for a year’s worth of blog posts) But here’s the thing about this contest: I’ll be drawing a winner next week so I’ll never know if you actually participate in Camp NaNoWriMo or not. You can just sign up to be eligible for the free CreateSpace copies, never do anything else and… I’ll never know. And, depending on how big the book you make is, those 5 free copies could end up having a value of around $100 or so! It’s a pretty sweet prize for doing pretty much nothing.
And if you’re already self-publishing with success? You’re still welcome to enter! You know how handy extra copies are for events, giveaways and reviewers.
So head on over to this post to read more about how to enter this contest.
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