Can you believe it’s been two years since eBay announced they were terminating the Trading Assistant program? It’s particularly funny in light of the fact that they just announced they were shutting down the eBay Valet app, their in house heir apparently to the program. When are they going to learn the sellers are going to just sell others items for themselves without them sticking their busy body little nose in between as the world’s most unnecessary middle man.
A year ago, I wrote about how my Selling Assistance services have flourished despite the program going away so I won’t repeat myself except to quote the one paragraph that really sums it all up…
eBay announced that it was cancelling its official Trading Assistance program on August 13th, 2013. I got the news when I returned home from… no kidding… picking up a huge shipment of items from a brand new eBay Trading Assistant client. It was surreal. There was eBay telling me that Trading Assistance wasn’t worth their time while my TA business was booming as much as ever.
Yup. That about covers it…
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