I set a lot of New Year’s resolutions every year but here are the ones that I’ve specifically set for myself as a blogger. This year, I’m going to make a real effort to…

  • Keep it short. Unless there is a really good reason, I’m going to try to not do those massively huge posts I’ve always ended up doing. No one reads the long posts and they take too long.
  • Split long ideas up into multiple posts. Along the same vein as above, if a post gets too long, I’m going to split it into multiple posts. You can see this in effect with the posts I have scheduled for Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. 🙂 
  • Mix up the media. Audio posts, video, comics and whatever else I can come up with, I’m going to try to mix it up a bit more this year so it’s not all text, all the time. 
  • Do more fun posts! Sometimes I get in a total “How To” rut and I forget that sometimes posts like this can be just as popular as the stuff I worked really hard on. I resolve to do more silly or “story” posts in 2011.
  • Get by with a little help from my friends. I have a wide variety of friends who are small business owners and some of them have very different perspectives and experiences than those of us in the e-commerce world. I want to bring some of them in for interviews and guest posts and bring some fresh perspectives in to everyone’s benefit. 
  • Try to make some damn money while keepin’ it real. I’ve been over this but I really want to try to make this blog earn its keep this year. But, more than that, I hope to do it while staying as transparent and “real” as possible. 

Happy New Year to everyone and thank you for reading!

What would you add to above? What do you think I could improve on the blog this year?