Back in September, I attended the eBay On Location in Philadelphia, PA. You can read my review of this event here.
But I wasn’t just an attendee, I was also on the Innovative Seller Secrets Panel hosted by Griff. eBay was kind enough to put the video of the entire panel up online. The downside is that you can only see those of us in the panel in a tiny little window so it’s awkward to watch but it’s really packed with great information about selling on or off eBay so feel free to just listen to the audio in the background if you find the visuals lacking. Warning: It is kind of long but worth it, I believe.
Why didn’t I share this back in September when it was first posted? Well, as you’ll notice if you watch it, I’m 5 months pregnant in the panel and since I wasn’t “out” then, I didn’t want to share the video until I had a chance to tell the rest of my friends that I was expecting. That was a fun element of my On Location experience that I didn’t mention in my review as eBay friends kept coming up to me the whole time like, “Hillary! Hi! It’s so nice to… What the heck? You’re pregnant?!?!?!”
I don’t know if you can tell in the video but I was so sick during that panel and the only thing that kept me from being sick on stage was the tiny little sips of water I kept taking whenever I wasn’t talking. Even though I tried to ration it, I ran out with about 30 minutes left to go and, by then, the nausea alert level was on maximum and I was kind of dying. I finally realized I needed more water or I wouldn’t make it so I asked Griff if I could steal his water (he was sitting next to me). He said sure but when I went to reach under his chair to grab it I couldn’t (bending isn’t really a strong suit of pregnant women) so I floundered for a while and eventually knocked it over. It started to roll sadly away across the stage before Griff realized the situation and grabbed it for me. This comedy of errors didn’t make it on the video though I’m sure it was hilarious to watch for those in attendance. I made it to the end of the panel without incident though I ran out of the room once it was over and was sick immediately afterward.
I also totally “pregnancy brain” spaced in the middle of the panel which I would feel much worse about if it didn’t happen to one of the guys on the panel a second or two later. But I love the fact that my daughter can brag about being in an eBay expert panel before she was even born. 😉
I was approached by a few people after the panel and asked to expand on a few of the things I talked about in the video and I will certainly do that in future blog posts. But if, after watching, you find yourself with questions or if you’re just looking for clarification, please let me know below.
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