You’ve got all your events on a Google Calendar. You’ve also got a Facebook page for your business, brand, book, club, etc and would love to know how to synchronize those two so that the events you post on the Google Calendar automatically post as events there. It’s actually easier than you might think. Ready?

  1. Choose the calendar you want to sync with the page and select the Calendar Settings option.
  2. Make sure that your Google Calendar is set to public.
  3. Under Calendar Address, copy the iCal link to the clipboard.
  4. Log into Facebook. Then go to the iCalendar to Event Facebook app. Once there, click the link for the new version (for some reason, you can’t link directly to the new version).
  5. Click “Subscribe a new calendar.”
  6. Give this calendar a nickname, paste the iCal link you copied into the “URL/Web address of the iCalendar file:” field and then select the profile or page that you want it to post to. (You don’t have to bother with the advanced options unless you are all fancy like that.) Click Subscribe.
If you visit your Facebook page, you’ll notice that events will already have started to post.
Any questions? Leave them below and I’ll do my best to answer.