
Present (Photo credit: ejorpin)

I can’t tell you how much I appreciate you sticking with me. Yes, I mean you.

I know I went from 3 posts a week like clockwork to a spell of nothing at all and, even now, though I’m posting regularly again, I’m still only up to 1 or 2 posts a week and many of those are eBooks excerpts. And while I know readers appreciate getting to read the eBook content for free, I know you prefer it when those posts are shuffled in among more fresh content than I’ve been able to churn out.

I can’t promise you that I’m suddenly going to be back to my three new posts a week schedule now that I’m a parent but I do want you to know that I really appreciate you sticking with me while I figure this whole thing out. Whether you’re a regular reader here on the blog or you follow me on Facebook or Twitter, you’re still here, reading this right now and I wanted to reward you for your loyalty and support.

Today ONLY, you can get my one-time bestselling eBook, Beyond Amazon, eBay, and Etsy: free and low cost alternative marketplaces, shopping cart solutions and e-commerce storefronts, completely for free. And that’s a DRM free copy that isn’t tied to any marketplace or e-reader. You’ll be able to read it on whatever you’ve got be it desktop, mobile or phone in the software of your choice. 

Here’s all you need to do to get it:

  1. Visit the book’s page on Smashwords here.
  2. Click the BUY button.
  3. On the checkout screen, input the promo code “BX65Q”
  4. Complete checkout to claim your free book!

Even though the book is free, you’ll still get access to any and all future revisions just as if you purchased it. If you already own a copy of this book, you’re welcome to still download it and give it to a friend (but one friend, not like 60, k?), but also drop me an email with where you originally bought it from (it’ll have to be sent 5/28 so there’s no cheating). I don’t want someone who already supported me to feel cheated out of something free so I’ll offer you an alternative prize.

Now, if you’re looking at this message but you’re too late to claim the prize, comment below. I’m going to pick a random latecomer for a prize as well.

Why am I doing this? Because I want to get a sense of what percentage of my readership or followers actually see any given blog post and when they see it and what better way to track this than by giving you a present just for showing up? I’m not going to share this code anywhere other than this one blog post and I won’t be sharing this blog post other than my usual auto-shares. I just want to see how many readers actually make it far enough into the post to grab the code and free book through my normal methods. (This doesn’t mean you can’t like or share the post or whatever if you feel like doing so. I don’t want you to alter whatever your normal reaction to this post would be just because I’m doing an experiment. I’m just saying that I’m personally not going to do anything special to signal boost this.)

So, thank you again! I can tell you that one of the reasons I’m still not up to my past production is that I am having a huge year in terms of writing and publication and those other projects have taken time away from blogging. I know it’s annoying for you blog readers but it will mean more content here in the long run and is a Good Problem to Have for me. I hate to be all vague but as soon as the ink is dry, I’ll spill, I promise. 😉

In the meantime, enjoy the book and thank you again for your continued support!