I forgot to post the schedule this week stupidly so my apologies. Let’s catch up, shall we?

Monday, September 14th, 2009

PaperBackSwap.com - Book Club to Swap, Trade & Exchange Books for Free.

Tuesday, September 15th, 2009

Wednesday, September 16th, 2009

  • There is nothing scheduled for today as far as I know. The good news about this is that there should be a few straggler guest spots after the two week tour is technically “over” because some things from this week were rescheduled so they’ll be new content to enjoy after the fact. 
  • If you wish, you can pretend this Blogcritics review of The Trading Assistant’s Assistant from last year is today’s blog tour stop 🙂

Thursday, September 17th, 2009

Friday, September 18th, 2009

Busy busy! Now, I know that there are a few other people who still wanted to get into this action and I already have two “stops” for next week so I don’t mind extending this a little bit longer. If you still want to do be a stop on the tour, please let me know ASAP so that we can work it out.

Again, thank you very much to all the blogs that participated!